What is ESG?

E.S.G. is an abbreviation of the English words Environmental, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. These are elements that, in addition to caring for financial results, make up the sustainable development of an enterprise.

The Act of 6 December 2024 amending the Accounting Act, the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Supervision and certain other acts introduces, in line with international standards, obligations in the field of sustainable development reporting.

The reporting obligations are coming into force and will cover more and more entities in the coming years. However, you do not have to wait for them  to develop your company by consciously paying attention to the needs of the world around us. We have been doing this for many years.

Environmental – paperless office

In 2015, we began eliminating paper documents from our work. We had this idea before, but we did not have the right tool. The solution was SaldeoSMART, which allowed us to exchange documents with clients and not only get rid of paper documents, but also create archives that are available at all times and additionally streamline work.

Based on our own experience, we started implementing this solution for clients, streamlining their work and making it easier to take care of the environment.

Social – transformation programs


When you work with us, you support the transformational activities we participate in.

What is transformation?

  1. Transformation is lasting, positive change.
  2. Transformation is personal development through cultivating transformational leadership based on good values ​​and soft skills.
  3. Transformation is the path to success and significance.


We have participated in national transformation programs in many countries around the world.

In Poland, we run the program More than Success. More than Success is a journey of personal and leadership development designed to help people like us learn, live and lead based on good values. Both individuals and entire teams and organizations can participate in it. More details at: https://www.wiklinski.pl/wiecej-niz-sukces/

Governance – Quality Management System

Once upon a time …

It starts a bit like a fairy tale, but it really was a long time ago, because in 2007 we decided to implement a quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard. It has been with us since then and helps us identify areas that require our special attention. We would have found some without the system, but others could have escaped us. Additionally, we collect information, thanks to which we solve many irregularities at the source.


We will be happy to share our experiences.